I'm a Full Stack Web Developer highly motivated about design. I was born and raised in Brazil. I graduated from Cornell University and my first job was at Ralph Lauren in NYC, in Product Development.
from fashion to tech, why not?
I recently completed Flatiron School's Software Engineering Immersive, where I learned JavaScript, React, Redux, and Ruby on Rails.
I discovered web development through web design, and have experience working with Agile/Scrum Methodologies and applying Design Thinking in problem solving.
semantic ui
ant design
Product Manufacturing App for the best communication between brands and suppliers in the Fashion Industry.
Single-page App to catalog and see all items in your closet without opening any drawers.
Game of Thrones character tracker by episode.
Client: Amaré Design | Branding, Web Development
Client: Florir App | Branding, App Design
Client: Farm Rio | Graphic Design, Photography, Social Media Content
Client: Can Can | Lettering, Product Photography
I write with flowers at my Instagram page
We are over 135k followers today!
Through the profile, I am able to reach many people and talk about feminism and sustainability!
Volunteer Work
I have been involved with NGO Instituto Flor Gentil by organizing crowdfunding campaigns and teaching lettering workshops to raise funds. The NGO recycles flowers from big events into small arrangements, that are distributed at nursing homes and hospitals in São Paulo, Brazil.
You can reach me at
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